BEDAF European Language Portfolio

The council of language experts in British Educational Affairs - BEDAF has developed the BEDAF European Language Portfolio- BEDAF ELP, as means of encouraging linguistic diversity, multicultural identity as well as the mobility accross Europe.

Philosophy of the BEDAF ELP is based on basic principle and the language proficiency descriptors introduced in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFR. Hence, the BEDAF ELP aims to promote learners' autonomy, self-assessment and cultural diversity. Each section of the BEDAF ELP has been developed purposefully to enable the owners to implement these principles in their language learning process.

In this way, they will be able to record and reflect their linguistic and intercultural attainments and experiences in any language whenever and wherever needed. The BEDAF ELP, as a property of its user, also serves as a practical tool to help the user determine his/her own learning styles as well as set up his/her future learning objectives in a particular language regardless of his/her language learning contacts or locations in a European manner.

* BEDAF ELP Models are registered by European Council. No part of this portfolio may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the written permission of BEDAF.

Why should you use the BEDAF ELP ?

Learning a language comprises three basic educational stages:- preparation, implementation and evaluation. Learners need to plan, practise and assess in the process of their language learning. The evaluation process has a significant role to play in helping learners become autonomous learners who as self-directed learners are aware of their own skills. The evaluation can be based on both assessment by others and self-assessment. As an alternative, BEDAF ELP based self-assessment is also an authentic assessment.

Through BEDAF ELP, its users are able to self-assess their achievements gained both inside and outside of the classroom via standard descriptors. These descriptors are invaluable sources helping learners to discover themselves as learners and to determine their linguistic competence which provides opportunity to develop their autonomous learning capacity. Besides this pedagogical function, BEDAF ELP is also a valuable recording tool through which the owners are able to keep records of their language learning facts and experiences. It helps you think about and plan for the future - your strengths, weaknesses, what you enjoy being able to do with another language - and to chart your progress. If you want to learn a new language or improve on existing knowledge, the BEDAF ELP will help you to understand your background and abilities.

It will help you to become aware of different learning styles, to identify the ways of learning which are best suited to you, and to develop reflective practice as a language learner. Therefore, as the owner of this BEDAF ELP model you are able to track your language learning progress and also to reflect your competences in a globally transparent manner.

How can I use the BEDAF ELP ?

The BEDAF ELP has three components :

BEDAF ELP Models are registered by European Council. No part of this portfolio may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the written permission of BEDAF.